• Please note that there are a limited number of places available (approximately 300 for the full Forum and an additional hundred, i.e. for a total of 400 for the plenary sessions). Everyone will be requested to submit a registration form and participation will be confirmed in a manner that helps us to achieve equitable representation of all our stakeholder groups. We would therefore request you not to make travel arrangements until you receive confirmation from us that a place has been allocated to you.

  • Brief description of evidence of interest/research in the fields of agricultural research contributing to poverty alleviation, including a web link to a publication or website of the project(s) you are working on (maximum 300 characters)
    Please note that participants are responsible for their own costs and no travel bursaries are provided. Limited discretionary funds are available to assist participants from developing countries; regrettably, not all requests that meet the established criteria can be approved.