The ISPC Science Forum 2016 will be co-hosted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and held from 12-14 April 2016 in Addis Ababa addressing the topic of: “Agricultural research for rural prosperity: rethinking the pathways”. If you are a participant of the forum, or want to take part in it or even just want to listen, but worry that you don't understand the topic - calm down. First, you need to review the list of topics and pay attention to those that you don't understand. Secondly, if these are some narrowly focused topics, you can use a dictionary to understand the concept. Third, read the list of sources used, they are often added in brochures to reports, and read the books. Fourth, if you also want to write a topic and go somewhere, then use the services of a professional letter writer.

The last two Science Fora focused on research and partnership issues related to the CGIAR System Level Outcomes (SLOs) on agriculture and the environment and the potential contribution of agriculture to nutrition and health outcomes. With the new CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework having 3 SLOs, the ISPC considers that the 2016 Science Forum (SF16) should focus on the SLO which has not yet been addressed in a SF– the contribution of agriculture to reducing poverty. The wider CGIAR System was consulted on the topic which received considerable support. The topic will also build on the Council’s recent studies on farm size and urbanization, and on the work of the Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA).

A Steering Committee established to advance progress with planning the SF program, agreed that the overarching objective of SF16 should be: “to rethink the pathways for agricultural research to stimulate inclusive development of rural economies in an era of climate change. The Forum will marshal evidence and build on lessons learned to date, to suggest an updated list of priority research areas and approaches which involve more strategic and inclusive engagement with partners.

The biennial CGIAR Science Forum brings together scientists, practitioners, policy makers and funders to examine emerging challenges and recent scientific advances, identify key researchable issues where there is real potential to deliver impacts on development goals and form new partnerships to address them.